Wednesday 27 May 2009

Its been quite an eventful day today. haha!

Well after deciding that the fridge in my room was faaaarrr tooo noisy to keep we decided to swap it with another floors in the flat that I am inhabiting....

Ive done that now much to the residents digust at us waking him up... to be honest I think me and the 3 ladies are a lovely wake up call at 4pm? but each to their own I suppose... I have realised that I have stolen the SAME fridge... and it makes just as much noise... except this one is full of ice and needs cleaning and defrosting. Karma playing its usual pretty tracks I suppose

Here is an interesting fact for you all..... My pal *S* has found that a sanitary towel is very useful to use if you have run out of cotton wool to remove your nail varnish... now there you go ladies... de paint yourselves silly will you not?

short and sweet


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